I help my clients navigate through the murky waters of moving and help teach them tools to adapt and deal with any type of situation that life throughs at them. I help them gain insight and new perspectives that will help them integrate into new cultures or places while providing psychological support and teach coping skills with my original program.

What is Relocation therapy?

Moving to a new place can be overwhelming especially during these tumultuous post Covid-19 times. The stress of changing places and trying to integrate into a new culture could be debilitating. I have identified through personal research, 5 stages of adjustment that occurs when moving. Each stage is accompanied by common negative traits that we will address. My six-month program will guide and support you through the 5 stages and their negative traits. I will teach you tools that help you cope as well as provide support. The stages are as follow:

5 Stages of Transplantation


01 — Excitement Stage

This stage can start before leaving your place of origin. People become elated and excited about going to a new place. This stage lasts from approximately 3 months to a year.

02 — Fear/Anxiety Stage

This stage is when excitement is no longer felt and some anxiety is still present but anger begins to be displayed. Feeling angry about how things function in their new place of residence. Comparing it to their place of origin. This stage lasts approximately from 1.5 years to 3 years.

03 — Anger/resentement Stage

This stage is when excitement is no longer felt and some anxiety is still present but anger begins to be displayed. Feeling angry about how things function in their new place of residence. Comparing it to their place of origin. This stage lasts approximately from 1.5 years to 3 years.

04 — Acceptance & Integration Stage

This stage is when the new culture is embraced as equal, even when it conflicts with the values and traditions of their place of origin. Also this is the stage that a person has learned enough of the local language to be able to function if the move was to a country with a different language.

05 — Assimiliation Stage

This stage is when the ways of the new place of residence is accepted and a person becomes a full part of the community. In this stage assimilation implies that immigrants to foreign countries, through education and experience, can earn their way into the culture of their new home and be seamlessly accepted as full members of their new community. This is what we all strive for as expatriates.


Mental Health for Employees

Why choose this for your employees ?

During these uncertain and post-covid unprecidented times people are losing there support systems. Whether the reason is because of globalization, evalution, or post-covid rules; people are finding themselves more and more isolated in new and different cities, different countries, different continents, or just being at home away from their collegues and offices. Being transplated to a new enviroment can induce major stress and reduce productivity and wellbeing. Some employees find it easier to work out of the office but for the majoity of people not having a united place where ideas, meetings, and products are shared tends to decrease motivation and productivity. Humans are social beings and when they are isolated they are less able to deal with stressful situation. They are also more likely to feel depressed and have difficulties processing information in turn can lead to poor decision making; which isn’t compatible for companies that are trying to increase their efficiency and productivity.